Northumbrian Anthology

The first issue of Northumbrian Anthology  was issued alongside the Northumbrian Gathering of 1971.  Entitled ‘Northumbrian Anthology’  it  contains ‘Original Dialect Writings entered for Competition at the Morpeth Gathering’.
Like the Newsletters,  these are scanned from the originals, which date back to before photocopiers or the advent of digital imaging.  The quality may vary therefore.  Any help you can offer in locating missing originals will be received with gratitude and thanks.

Northumbrian Anthology  01 

The Society’s founder, Roland Bibby, subsequently produced 50 editions of a more comprehensive  successor, entitled Northumbriana.   These magazines have been reprinted from time to time, some several times.   Collectively they represent roughly 2500 pages of print containing prize winning entries to competitions, items of Northumbrian interest, research into aspects of our dialect, and fragments of relevant news of their time.   Given that Roland produced all these singlehandedly, they stand as a remarkable body of work which the Society is now looking for ways to turn into a digital archive.

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